Graphics Creation and Editing

Child Boards

[-] CAD or 3D Modeling / Editing Software

[-] Graphics Applications for Macintosh

[-] Graphics Applications for Windows


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[1] Regard3D is a free, multiplatform, open-source structure-from-motion application

[2] Miele-LXIV is a free DICOM Image Workstation and Viewer for a few platforms

[3] primitive.nextgen are the Windows and Linux ports of Primitive for MacOS

[4] digiKam is an advanced open-source digital photo management application

[5] LazPaint is a cross platform image editor with layers and transparency.

[6] Glimpse is an open source image editor based on GIMP for Windows or Linux

[7] Just Color Picker is a cross platform freeware color choosing application

[8] Krita is a FREE painting tool designed for artists, illustrators, and VFX work!

[9] Pixelitor is a powerful cross platform image editor with unique image filters


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