CAD or 3D Modeling / Editing Software
[1] Material Maker is a simple procedural materials generation tool 4 Linux/Windows
[2] Dust3D is a cross-platform open-source modeling software
[3] RapCAD is a CAD IDE for RepRap and RepStrap 3D printing machines
[4] OpenSCAD is FREE software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. All OSes Supported
[5] QCAD is an Open Source 2D CAD for Windows, Linux and Mac
[6] LibreCAD is a 2D CAD drawing tool for Windows or Linux or Mac OS X
[7] VMD is a complex 3D cross platform molecular visualization program - and more!
[8] MakeHuman Community is creating MakeHuman, plugins, web support and tutorials
[9] Wings 3D is a subdivision modeler with an user interface that is easy to use
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