Beached is a Strategy Game For Mac Classic or Mac X PPC:
After a mysterious boating accident, you find yourself stranded on a small tropical island. Life isn't so bad here: there's food, wood, and gold for the taking, so why leave? Well, even paradise has its dark moments, and this particular paradise is about to be wiped off the map by a hurricane. Your newfound life of leisure has turned into a lesson in bare survival. Avoid starving to death, chop wood, build a boat, and get off that sand pile. Before you leave, you might even have enough time to line your pockets with the gold that still litters the island.
Version: 1.3; Release Date: September, 1998
License: Freeware
335 KB - (size)
OS Version Requires
Classic Mac OS 7.0 or later; 256 colors
Mac OS X Classic Compatibility Environment