Author Topic: WAP - Weatherization Assistance Program does FREE home energy improvements!  (Read 7055 times)

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Software Santa

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Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) does FREE home energy efficiency improvements for Low Income, Disabled, and Seniors .... for Renters Too! 

Also look into   HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) for Low Income folks pays your Energy Bill

The Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program is a Nationally funded program that PAYS to have your Home made more energy efficient! In SOME Cases (Like here in California) Energy Assistance Programs REPLACE old appliances with NEW ones!

Weatherization Assistance Program

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program reduces energy costs for low-income households by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes, while ensuring their health and safety. The program supports 8,500 jobs and provides weatherization services to approximately 35,000 homes every year using DOE funds. Through weatherization improvements and upgrades, these households save on average $283 or more every year according to a national evaluation of the program. Since the program began in 1976, WAP has helped improve the lives of than 7 million families through weatherization services.

Where to Apply for Weatherization Assistance

To apply for weatherization assistance you need to contact your state weatherization agency. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) does not provide weatherization services or services of any kind to individuals. DOE also does not process applications—this process is handled by each state.

How to Determine if You Are Eligible for Weatherization Assistance

One of the primary factors affecting eligibility is income, and each state sets its income requirements within DOE guidelines. Services are provided by the states, and each state has slightly different criteria.

Under DOE guidelines, you are automatically eligible to receive weatherization assistance if you receive Supplemental Security Income or Aid to Families with Dependent Children. In other cases, states give preference to:

    People over 60 years of age
    Families with one or more members with a disability
    Families with children (in most states).

Nationally, as many as 20–30 million U.S. families are eligible for weatherization services. DOE urges you to contact your state weatherization agency to determine if you are eligible for the many benefits of weatherization services.

How Does the Weatherization Application Process Work?

You will go through the following three-step process to apply for weatherization.

    Find your local weatherization agency.
    All weatherization services are provided by local weatherization agencies, including the application process. Usually you have to contact your state to find your local weatherization agency because the states—not DOE—keep up-to-date lists of local weatherization agencies. Most weatherization agencies are nonprofit organizations that employ energy professionals, and some are branches of local governments.

    You will have to fill out an application form to apply for weatherization. It is not a difficult form, and usually takes about 20 minutes to complete. You must have proof of income for the year prior to application. (For the elderly and people on fixed incomes, this is usually easy to do). You will likely answer a small number of questions about your household, such as the number of people living in the home.

    Your eligibility is determined.
    After receiving your application, the weatherization agency will determine if you are eligible to receive weatherization services. If approved, your weatherization agency will most likely put you on a waiting list. Please remember that people who are most in need are often moved to the top of this list. Finally, if you rent, you must get permission from your landlord before workers can begin work on the house.

What Happens After I Am Approved for Weatherization Services?

The first step in the process is for your local weatherization agency to carry out an energy audit. This agency is a nonprofit weatherization organization, local governmental agency, or sometimes a contractor trained in home energy services. The energy audit is a computerized assessment of your home's energy use carried out by professional energy auditors. It includes an analysis of your energy bills, a blower-door (pressurized) test of the infiltration of outside air into your house, and an inspection of all energy equipment for health and safety. Finally, the auditor will provide you with a recommended list of the most cost-effective energy conservation measures for your home.

Once the audit is complete, the auditor or inspector from the local weatherization agency will meet with you and your family to explain how the work crews will conduct the work. Depending on your needs, the inspector will recommend more work in some homes than in others. All work is energy-related, and does not include new roofing, siding, or similar structural improvements. The average expenditure is $6,500 per home. Weatherization workers typically complete their work in a day or two, and then you sign off on final inspection.

Throughout the weatherization process, the health and safety of your family remain a priority. Following weatherization, an inspector will return to make certain that nothing was missed and all equipment is operating safely.

What is the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)?
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) reduces heating and cooling costs for low-income families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety.

Are you looking for Weatherization assistance?
NASCSP is the national association representing State WAP Directors in Washington, DC. Individual States manage the program and local WAP agencies provide the weatherization services. If you are someone seeking weatherization assistance for your home, you must contact the local WAP agency serving your area.

To determine your local agency:
1.) Visit NASCSP's state contact page
2.) Click on your state
3.) Click on the state agency of our WAP Member
4.) Search your state's website for a list, map, or database of weatherization providers to determine who serves your county

Visit NASCSP's State Contact page to determine which agency serves your area

Note: Software Santa received new room and porch lights, Low-Flow Showerhead, weatherstripping, AND a brand new Kenmore refrigerator/freezer - All Given and Installed FOR FREE - in January 2009!

In Early 2014 Software Santa got another whole house makeover just like that previous one (With a new "Magic Chef" 1000 Watt Microwave oven: the contractor replaced a BROKEN Microwave that was made in 1983 - Instead of a new Refrigerator!)!

If you are low income: you need to look into the Federal / State / and Locally funded Programs available to you. Now you know these programs exist, Right?

"New lamps for Old! New Lamps for Old!" (Literally!)

Categories: Free home Appliances - Free energy check up to lower your energy bills - Free Weatherstripping - Low Income - Seniors - Disabled
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 11:09:24 PM by Software Santa »


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