Author Topic: Kaasi is a board game with two players in duel for Linux or Windows  (Read 3682 times)

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Kaasi is a board game with two players in duel for Linux or Windows

Kaasi is a 3D board game multi-plataform and Open Source.

 Kaasi is turn-based and combine tactics with strategy.

Kaasi born in 2006 like a physical game. After a mathematical analysis of tessellations generated with , I wanted to apply this work to real-life.
 I thought of making a physical game. I created some early sketches of the board and rules. Shortly after, I built the first version of the game that was very good.
 In 2008, I was working about the construction of a 3D engine for my personal games and I wanted to do some simple project in order to test the engine. Kaasi was the solution for this project: simple game with not much 3d models.
 Slowly, I add some new features extra-engine in the game like IA.

 How to play? 

Game Rules:  Kaasi is a board game with two players in duel.
Each player have 5 round chips (the runners) and 7 square chips (the paths).

There are two kinds of paths:   straight        and curved .

 The board consist of a 7x7 square matrix without the corners. The first row is the home of the runners for one player and the last row is the objective for his runners. The second player have his runner's home in the first column and his runner's objective in the last column. The paths can be placed only on the central 5x5 matrix.


The objective of the game is to bring ONE of the runners to their objective, one of the 5 squares in the opposite side of the board. The first player that do the objective is the winner.

 The game is turn-based like in chess. In each turn player can move one of his runners OR put/change one of his paths.
 The runners can move only following one of the paths make with path chips of two players. If the path finish out of the board in a non-objective square, runners   can't use it. Therefore, the runners can't return to their home.

 If one runner is moved into adversary runner the last is dead and player may retire this from board for all the match.
 When one player place all (7) paths chips he can change one of his path in the board (one turn is required for the action).
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 06:04:05 AM by Software Santa »


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