Author Topic: Hunt for the Crown is written in Java and based on the game Sabotage from Spear  (Read 3254 times)

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Hunt for the Crown is written in Java 7 and based on the game Sabotage from Spear

One of the many games written with the Tjger game making system!

There is an Ad Free Android Port of this Board Game HERE: Hunt for the Crown

Hunt for the Crown
A strategy board game that is based on the game Sabotage from Spear. The game provides a two-player mode, a computer opponent as well as network functionality.

Version:   1.8
Languages:   English/German
Requirements:   Java 7

The aim of the game is to bring the crown, that is - at the beginning of the game - located in the center of the board, into their own castle.

The players move their pieces in turns - whereas it is possible to move them horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The distance of the move is defined by the number of pieces that stand in the same column. For that both the opposing and the own pieces count.

If a piece stops on the field where the crown is located, the piece owns the crown and is not allowed to move diagonally any more. The opponent can get the crown by capturing this piece.

The game ends if a piece that owns the crown can be brought into the field with the castle that belongs to the player. If a player captures all opposing pieces or closes in the opponent in a way that he cannot make a move anymore, he also wins the game.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2019, 01:45:15 AM by Software Santa »


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