FREE and/or Open Source Desktop Software! > Graphics Creation and Editing
Miele-LXIV is a free DICOM Image Workstation and Viewer for a few platforms
Software Santa:
Miele-LXIV is a FREE DICOM Image Workstation and Viewer for Mac OS X 10.9 or Later - And for Windows and Linux!!!
--- Quote ---Miele-LXIV is a DICOM workstation, viewer and more. The project started in November 2014 as a fork of the popular open source 32-bit project OsiriX, but it has been modified to become a 64-bit application and to remove many of the limitations of the 32-bit version.
MIELE is an Acronym of Medical Imaging ELEments and the LXIV part means that it is a full-blooded sixty four bit native architecture program.
Miele-LXIV DICOM Viewer is not a medical product. It has no FDA/CE or any other certifications and is not intended for diagnostic purposes. But if you were given a CD or DVD - by your Radiology Dept. - and you just wanted to see the 2D/3D images for YOURSELF, this APP is what you want!!!
- Built for macOS 10.9 through 12.2
- It supports Mojave's Dark Mode
- Using VTK version 9.0.3
- Using ITK version 5.2.1
- Using DCMTK version 3.6.6
- Using OpenGL 4.1
- Using OpenJPEG 2.4.0
- Using David Clunie's DICOM validator dciodvfy version 1.00.snapshot.20210306095935
- Fully localized for 7 languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
- Export to Photos
- Own plugin system fully operational: develop, publish, list, check-for-updates, download, install
- Open source
Special Feature list
Runs from macOS 10.9 to the latest.
Miele-LXIV supports German, French, English, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.
Miele-LXIV supports "3D Ball" and "Oval and "Angel".
Miele-LXIV supports DICOM printing 64-bit.
Latest libraries supported: TIFF: 4.0.10, VTK: 8.2.0, ITK: 4.13.2, DCMTK: 3.6.4, openssl: 1.1.0j, zlib: 1.2.11, openjpeg: 2.2.0
Fully independent Plugin Generator System.
Current Feature list:
DICOM File Support
Read and display all DICOM Files (mono-frame, multi-frames)
Read and display the new MRI/CT multi-frame format (5200 group)
JPEG Lossy, JPEG Lossless, JPEG-LS, JPEG 2000, RLE Monochrome1, Monochrome2, RGB, YBR, Planar, Palettes, ...
Support custom (non-square) Pixel Aspect Ratio 8, 12, 16, 32 bits
Write 'SC' (Secondary Capture) DICOM Files from any 2D/3D reconstructions
Read and display all DICOM Meta-Data
Read AND Write DICOM CD/DVD (DICOMDIR support)
Export DICOM Files to TIFF, JPEG, Quicktime, RAW, DICOM, PACS CD/DVD Creation with DICOMDIR support, including cross-platform viewer (Weasis)
Built-in SQL compatible database with unlimited number of files
DICOM Network Support
Send studies (C-STORE SCU, DICOM Send)
Receive studies (C-STORE SCP, DICOM Listener)
Query and Retrieve studies from/to a PACS workstation (C-FIND SCU, C-MOVE SCU, WADO)
On-the-fly conversion between all DICOM transfer syntaxes C-GET SCU/SCP and WADO support for dynamic IP transfers
DICOM Printing support
Seamless integration with OsiriX HD for iPhone/iPad
Seamless integration with any PACS server, including the open-source dcm4chee server
Non-DICOM Files Support
LSM files from Zeiss (8, 16, 32 bits) (Confocal Microscopy)
BioRadPIC files (8, 16, 32 bits) (Confocal Microscopy)
TIFF (8, 12, 16, 32 bits), multi-pages
ANALYZE (8, 12, 16, 32 bits)
PNG, JPEG, PDF (multi-pages), Quicktime, AVI, MPEG, MPEG4
2D Viewer
Intuitive GUI
Customizable Toolbars
Bicubic Interpolation with full 32-bit pixel pipeline
Thick Slab for multi-slices CT and MRI (Mean, MIP, Volume Rendering)
ROIs: Polygons, Circles, Pencil, Rectangles, Point, ... with undo/redo support
Key Images
Multi-Buttons and Scroll-wheel mouses supported, including Magic Trackpad support.
Custom CLUT (Color Look-Up Tables)
Custom 3x3 and 5x5 Convolution Filters (Bone filters, ...)
4D Viewer for Cardiac-CT and other temporal series
Image Fusion for PET-CT & SPECT-CT exams with adjustable blending percentage
Image subtraction for XA
Hanging Protocols
Tiles export
2D Image Registration & Reslicing
Plugins support for external functions
3D Post-Processing
MPR (Multiplanar Reconstruction) with Thick Slab (Mean, MIP, Volume Rendering)
3D Curved-MPR with Thick Slab
3D MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection)
3D Volume Rendering
3D Surface Rendering
3D Image Registration
Stereo Vision with Red/Blue glasses
Export any 3D images to Quicktime, TIFF, JPEG
All 3D viewers support 'Image Fusion' for PET-CT exams and '4D mode' for Cardiac-CT.
Multi-threaded for multi-processors and multi-core processors support
Asyncronous reading
OpenGL for 2D Viewer and all 3D Viewers
Graphic board accelerated, with 3D texture mapping support
Expansion & Scientific Research
Miele-LXIV supports a complete dynamic plugins architecture
Access pixels directly in 32-bits float for B&W images or ARGB values for color images
Create and manage windows
Access the entire Cocoa framework
Create and manage OpenGL views
Based on robust Open-Source components
Cocoa (OpenStep, GNUStep, NextStep)
VTK (Visualization Toolkit)
ITK (Insight Toolkit)
PixelMed (David Clunie)
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