Author Topic: MacSwear is the classic worm game played in non-euclidian space (on 3D objects).  (Read 4870 times)

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Software Santa

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MacSwear is the classic worm game played in non-euclidian space (on 3D objects).

MacSwear  v1.0

MacSwear is a game I wrote a long time ago (the original version ran on the Amiga!).

The game itself is the classic worm game, played in non-euclidean space - that is to say, it is played on the surface of various three-dimensional shapes. It's a pretty simplistic game, and it's old enough to use no hardware acceleration of any kind, so performance may vary.

It's multi-platform, using the Allegro library. I've built it for Windows and Mac OS X. Theoretically, it should compile on Linux machines too, if they have the Allegro library installed, and you run
Code: [Select]
make os=unix. However, this is largely untested.

MacSwear is a better Mac OS X native port of Swear for Windows. It uses OpenGL and a Cocoa GUI. It runs much smoother than the Allegro-based version of Swear, and it has some small graphical improvements.

The source is provided, and while the GUI part of it is heavily OS X-centric, the game part is written in plain C++ and OpenGL, and should be quite portable. 

Categories: Games - Mac System X - Panther - Tiger - PPC - MacIntel - LINUX
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 03:26:03 PM by Software Santa »


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