j2chess is a chess program written in Java 1.4 - Works on most computers!
j2chess is a chess program written in Java. Consequently j2chess can run on any platform where a Java Virtual Machine is installed (version 1.4.x or later recommended).
j2chess includes an opening book of 15,000 games and can play games in three different modes; casual, blitz and blitz Fisher. j2chess can read ".pgn" library files and therefore can be used as a ".pgn" browser as well.
As a matter of fact, j2chess is a pure hobby project and its development progress is fairly slow! But who minds? ;-) I just hope I'll give you the opportunity to have fun playing chess. You can also help me to improve j2chess by sending me your feedback via email. j2chess is a freeware but if you enjoy it you can always say "Thank you" by making a donation.
Windows or Linux or Mac OS X 10.3 (or later).
j2chess is a nice chess program that is written entirely in the Java programming language and consequently runs on any platform where a suitable Java Runtime Environment is available (version 1.4.2 or higher required).
j2chess is a pure hobby project and it's true to say its development progress is fairly slow... But who really minds? ;-)
By making j2chess public, I hope I'll give you the opportunity to have a good time playing chess and also you'll help me to improve it by sending me your feedback via email. That's it really!
The latest available version is j2chess r2.9, released in August 2007, and last but not least, j2chess is available as a free download.
Denis Frayssignes.
Key features
j2chess key features are:
* as long as you have java, j2chess is all-platform friendly :-)
* nice and easy to use
* strength and other various settings can be changed
* symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) support for maximum engine strength (= uses multi-cores/CPU system)
* casual, blitz and blitz Fischer style available for new games
* opening book with about 15,000 games
* export current game in Portable Game Notation (PGN)
* load games in Portable Game Notation (PGN)
* following languages are supported:
o english (default)
o français
o português do Brasil
And what's planned for the future versions?
Ideas for j2chess' future are...
* first bug free version... just kidding! (or maybe not)
* always better GUI
* one way or another: make the chess engine smarter ;-)
* ICS support (Internet Chess Server)
* UCI support (Universal Chess Interface)
* more language support: deutsch, spanish...
* PGN libraries management (add or delete games, merging,...)
NB: the to do list is almost as long as the j2chess development is slow... ;-)
http://www.dfrayssignes.f2s.com/j2chess.com/about.shtml Categories: Games - Board Games - Classics - Chess - Mac System X - Panther - Tiger - PPC - MacIntel - LINUX - Windows