NASA (the
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As Santa watched ITV this morning they Mentioned
The Office of Education at NASA Langley Research Center for Educators to go to get free lesson plans.
The Office of Education is a component of Langley's Office of Strategic Communication and Education or OSCE. OSCE provides a wide range of services in public and media relations, formal and informal education activities, and Agency leadership responsibilities for NASA's Digital Learning Network or DLN, and NASA's Aerospace Education Services Project or AESP.
NASA Langley's education efforts have resulted in a number of innovative and highly successful programs over the years. In addition to fully supporting NASA's Agency-wide educational initiatives, the professional and experienced staff of the Education Office have developed programs that have been adopted by other Centers. In the area of K-12 education, Langley has been a leader in the use and integration of instructional technologies. It's instructional television programs, Digital Media Lab, and Technology Immersion Workshops continue to provide students and educators with high quality, multimedia and interactive resources featuring NASA personel, facilities, and research. In the higher education area, the Langley-developed Pre-Service Teacher Project with its annual national conference and summer institutes at Langley and other Centers has acquainted thousands of pre-professional teachers with NASA's rich array of educational materials. educational resources - all platforms - K-12 education - Higher Education